Please, God, look with favor on our nation.
Help us be America the Beautiful once more.
Guide us finally to bring true freedom
to all our citizens,
and to end finally
and forever, the curses of discrimination and poverty in our land.

Please, God of Peace, extricate us
from all wars and war-like activities,
and bring peace once more to our country
and to all the world.

Please bring amity and cooperation
to our lawmakers, aiding them
to put aside political party rivalry
once election are over, and work together cordially, sensibly and productively,
taking up seriously and honestly
the challenging work of good government.

Please replant the Faith of Our Fathers
in the hearts of our people and our leaders, and root a culture of courageous honesty
in the House and Senate of our Congress.

Please reinvigorate the dedication of true patriots in our elected officials producing non-partisan cooperation, seriousness, honesty and equity in the deliberations
and decisions
of our lawmakers.

Please help us reform wisely and fairly
the laws and institutions of our government.

Please let cordial, honest discussion
replace political posturing and partisan, uncooperative bickering.

You have smiled on us and blessed our land.
Help us now to live up to our potential
in governing our own people, while working unceasingly for world peace among all nations.

Let the United States rise once again
to stand as a model of good government,
a glowing inspiration, and a shining beacon
of hope for all nations.

All this I pray in Your name,







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