God Of Our Government,

Please look down with favor on your servant, and our President of the United States,
Barack Obama.

Holy Spirit, please hover over our leader
as he makes world-changing, life-and-death decisions.

Guide him, please, to be prudent
in national matters, and cautious
in international negotiations.

Give him the energy and focus of intellect
to consider the very great range of programs, projects and challenges which come
to his desk requiring sage analysis
and strong, sensitive, sensible action.

Keep him honest, careful, wise, farsighted and persuasive, and as poet Maya Angelou described him, "smart, fierce and kind."

Surround him, Lord, with smart, ethical, prudent and visionary advisors.

Please guide the Members of the Congress
of the United States to negotiate fairly
with the President, putting the safety
of our country and the welfare of our people above divisive party politics.

Let all voices be heard and sage decisions made, with sensible cooperation between
the Senate, the House of Representatives,
and the Chief Executive.

the President, his wife, Michele,
and his children from harm.

All this I pray in confidence and hope.

God, bless our leader, Barack Obama,
President of the United States of America.


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