Dear God of All Creation,

It is difficult sometimes to understand
the chaos and disorder in the world
which You have created.

Earthquakes and floods mercilessly kill
the innocent as well as the evil.

Catastrophic fires destroy woodlands, animals
and homes, and even churches, laboriously built, and lovingly dedicated to Your glory.

Disease and accidents maim and kill, Destroying families, and robbing children
of their parents.

I have long pondered this issue and have
come to an understanding satisfactory to me.

My brilliant older brother suffered years
of painful loneliness and illness, but never ever complained to me. He was accepting.

Now his time of trial is far in the past,
and in comparison with eternity, the length of his purgatorial ordeal was finite,
and came to an end.

So, no matter how great the suffering of this life seems right now, it will be nothing
in light of the radiant unending joy
of eternity with You in Your heavenly realm.

Please give me, Lord, the acquiescence
and the courage, the strength
and the patience to endure whatever challenges may befall me in my life!

And God, unworthy as I may be, please
invite me one day into the eternal bliss
of Your heavenly kingdom.

All this I pray in faith and hope and trust.


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