The heavens open. Sudden nurturing rain.
Showers. Pouring down. Holy water!
Our plans change, as our lives
come to a momentary refreshing halt.
We rethink. We regroup. We rearrange.
We await the end of the shower
and the return of the sun.

Thank You, God, for breaking into our routine, encouraging us to stop, to reconoiter,
to live our lives anew each moment.

Let every rainfall be to me a blessing,
a refreshing change, to clean the air,
refresh the earth, but also a kind reminder
of the Baptismal waters of salvation,
and a symbol of Your grace, unasked for,
but welcome, pouring down unexpectedly,
rejuvenating our energies,
bolstering our spirits and cleansing our souls.

Your surprise attention-getting,
change-of-course gift!


All feels cool and fresh.
The earth is clean again.
Our spirits are
A new start is possible.
We are thankful.

Then, in pale majesty, the rainbow appears!
The seal of Your promise to Noah,
a prismatic emblem of your care for us,
spread all across the sky
as we await the hoped-for symbol
of our own personal salvation.

Thank You, God, for watching over us.
Thank You for sudden rains.
Thank You for the rainbow's promise.
Thank You! Thank You!


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