God of All Good Things,

You know that in 1929 the Coca-Cola Company began promoting their product (which contained a teeny, tiny touch of cocaine)
as "The PAUSE that REFRESHES...."
which sends one "Off to a fresh start."

Though Coke may no longer use these slogans,
or contain the cocaine (!), I think the ads
might be aptly, waggishly, applied to prayer.

I can step out of the hurly-burly busyness
of my daily existence to pause quietly
with You, finding sweet and fizzy spiritual refreshment through contemplation and silent prayer.

Realizing and acknowledging Your presence with me, can indeed give me a spiritual high deeper and far more enduring than any drug
or any sugary drink.

Stopping to consider the gift
of my existence, my place in the universe,
my relationship with You, and Your hopes
and expectations of me, can certainly give me perspective, clarify my goals, and indeed, send me off, reinvigorated to a "fresh start" in my life.

I need to re-charge my spiritual batteries, recommit to my goals and renew my intentions to live virtuously, energetically, eagerly and passionately for You.

Guide me, guard me and give me graces
and insight, Lord, as I pause for spiritual refreshment, and then take up my life again,
after an invigorating break, with renewed hope and vigor, and confident trust in You.

All this I pray to You, my good and only God,
my Pause, that always refreshes.



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