Christ's arms, outstretched from the cross, form a vast canopy beneath which all earthly experience discloses the celestial.
Michael E. DeSanctis

Help me, Jesus, to understand myself, as I actually live: sheltered under the reaches of your protecting grace, and bound
for eternal glory, if only I will recognize and embrace your gentle invitation
to union with You, in the unfolding majesty
of the sacred life You have given me.

Help me, Lord, to eunderstand ever more fully the meaning of Your Crucifixion,
the power of grace accepted,
and the unending reach of Your love,
which I need only to recognize, appreciate
and accept.

Let me understand the humbling purpose
and the heavenly value of my own small crucifixions, at the crossroads along
the pathway of my life, a life which is,
in heavenly terms, short indeed.

Remind me often that You are always with me,
if I will only stop to realize Your resence,
and accept Your loving guidance and strong support.

Help me, Lord, to walk beside You,
even up the slope to Calvary, and help me
to understand ever more fully the meaning
of the Crucifixion in agony which You suffered for my salvation.

All this I pray in humility, appreciation, anticipation, hope, and in enduriong love and joy.


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