Lord, please keep me on the high road, and keep my eyes ever on the prize
of eternal life in heaven.

You have pulled me back many times
when I succumbed to the inviting temptations of the Devil, when I put down my guard and degraded myself in sinful evil, putting my immortal soul
in perilous eternal danger.

Hold me back from the enticing paths
that wander ever so gradually downward toward the kingdom of the great and evil Deceiver. Keep me on the straight
and narrow path to You, and to Your eternal kingdom of saints in heaven.

We imagine hell to be a pit of burning fire and brimstone, but we cannot in our human imagination hardly begin to fathom the condition of eternal separation
from You and from Your saints
and all goodness.

Whether I imagine of hell as a place
of brimstone and pitchforks, or am able to conceive of it as the eternal,
total separation from You and every possible manifestation of goodness,
I know it is to be avoided.

I certainly know "in my heart," when I am committing an evil deed which links me
to the degradations of Satan, separation from You, my Creator, Who have given me all good things, and from the possibility of ever again being reunited
with the relatives and friends I have been so generously blessed with
in this passing material world.

Help me keep secure bulwarks against
the Evil One, for I understand
that the more virtuous I might become,
the more powerfully would the powers
of Hell assert themselves to prevail against me.

Keep me close, Jesus,
that I may not fall!

My heart is restless
till I rest in Thee!





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