Lord God of all the universe
please bring consolation and peace of mind
to those who are, at this moment,
in the despond of depression, despairing
of ever finding peace and happiness again.
of All those who live
in the shadows of anguish,
please lift the dark burdens
from their hearts and give them back
the hope and happiness, the love
and confidence and joy, which once they felt.

Looking down from heaven,
You see into our darkest hearts.
Please give special courage and the strength of renewal
to those whose worries
feel to them too heavy to carry,
and whose sadness and desolation
seems too deep to escape.
Please shine a new white light of hope
into their hearts, dear God of Peace
and Hope and Confidence.
Lead them on shining new pathways
where their spirits may be revived,
so that they may rejoice in You
the God of all heavenly exultation
and rapture.

This is my earnest prayer to You,
Lord of the Universe and Savior of us all.