Lord God of Creation,
Sunlight fades. Evening falls.
A sense of stillness, even loneliness,
and perhaps uncertainty, tides in
with the darkling clouds of night.
Shadows descend,
as stealthy velvet silence
cloaks all. Dreams, warming and alarming
hide patiently beyond the curtains
of consciousness.
Assure me, please, that You are here with me this
night so that I need not fear the murky dark or the
phantoms of my slumbering mind.
You Who breathed
the golden sunshine
and willed the velvet robes of night,
Who thought the timeless rolling surf,
the churning seasons and the million trillion pinpoint
torches in the caverns of the sky,
You are the God of all my hopes and desires,
the Architect of all my times, all safety
and all comforting quiet sleep.

Hold me tightly,
so that I need have no fear, I beg You, Master. Gentle
me to sleep
and let no vile temptations nor fearsome nightmare
storms disrupt the peaceful
pathways of my nocturnal voyage.
All this
I pray to You in confidence, dear God of night and
day, sunlight and dark, solace and safety, shadow
and salvation,
now, tonight, and forever more.

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Prayer Index
Donn B. Murphy 2011