Almighty God,

Deliver me from eternal damnation,
I beg You. Save me, please, from the fiery snares of Satan, the grand and diaboloical deceiver.

Let me not burn with the unending torment
of the knowledge that I turned my back
on Your love, and misused the gift
and purpose of my existence.

Save me, Lord, from the destructive decay
of pride. Rather l
et me see clearly,
think wisely,
act humbly, and do good
in this world so that I may not be separated from You eternally in the world to come.

Save me from the unending conflagration
of scorching sorrow and eternal regret,
deprived of the vision of Your Glory
and denied forever the priceless mantle
of Your Divine Love.

Please forgive the evil I have done!
Please forgive the good I have left undone!

Make me whole once more in Your great love,
my joyous Savior, and my loving King,
now and forever,



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