Dear Lord God of the Earth and of All People,

Let me pray for those who do,
or are tempted at this moment to do,
evil in the world.

To the degree which my prayer might have
even the smallest effect on some one person
who is about to commit an evil deed,
somewhere, at this particular moment,
I intercede for that person!

For someone about to kill,
For someone about to rape,
For someone about to steal,
For someone about to shoot,
For someone about to harm a spouse,
For someone about to stab a stranger
I intercede for that person!

I pray You, send the grace of a hovering angel
to restrain the hands, awaken the conscience,
create an awareness of consequence,
and re-direct anger or malice or jealousy
or covetousness to peace of mind.

Stay the weapon, Lord, hold back the rage,
the desperation, or the pure malice
of a would-be sinner!

Let the grace of a sudden saving insight
divert the course of fury, and prevent lives from being endangered or destroyed,
and stop the commission of a grievous sin against You from being committed.

Please soften hate, lessen revenge,
control avarice, and blunt evil temptations.

Please send grace and insight showering down
on someone about to commit a sin.

Please give Your grace and cleansing blessing,
Holy Spirit, to all of us who need it most, especially me, Your striving, loving,
but imperfect servant.

All this I pray this day in the name of Jesus, God, Father, Redeemer, and my only Hope.




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