God of Mysteries -

Take me today beyond the humdrum world.
Transport me, please, beyond the mundane.

Lead me through silent inward corridors
of peaceful concentration and fiery faith,
through portals of mental purification,
and through thundering splashing waterfalls
of cleansing grace.

Then in an inmost temple of silence
in the deepest interior chamber of my soul
may I experience You, Triune God,
Father of my life and my created being,
Spirit of my understanding, Fire of my mind, my conscience and my heart,
and my Divine Savior.

Accept my lowly devotion, Creator of my life
and of my eternity, God of
Perfection, Jesus, the Joy of my whole existence.

Keep me silent that I may hear.
Blind me to the world that I may see.
Open my heart that I may receive.

Forgive me, Lord, so that my weathered,
tired, tarnished soul may be washed clean
and reinvigorated with brightest holiness.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, silence my mind,
that I may hear You speak.

Quiet my emotions, that I may enjoy in peace
Your love alone.

Help me to understand ever more deeply,
and to appreciate ever more completely
the universe-shaking impact and significance
of the holy bloody sacrifice You made
for me, and for the redemption of the world,
on Calvary Hill.

Be still my heart, that God may enter in.
Be quiet, my mind, that God may speak.

Take me, God! Remake me, God! Hold me pure!
Heal me, mark me with the sacred seal
of Your salvation! Make me want nothing, nothing, nothing, ever, but only You alone!

Hold me in Your flaming heart of love.

All this I pray in humility, longing,
trusting confidence, fierce hope
and great determined love,




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