Light was created
before the world was formed.
Light of Light descended to the world,
born of love, and glory
as quiet as wind whispers in pine needles

Susan Rieke,
Sisters of Charity
of Leavenworth, Kansas


Lord God of Brilliance and Majesty,
light our way: through dark corridors
of uncertainty, moonless nights of confusion,
uncertain, dangerous steps at the edge
of the precipice of temptation.

Help us light lanterns of faith,
and torches of Divine love to guide us!

Banish the seductive shadows of Satan!
Hold up flashing lamps of love and adoration
Flame the torches:
The Heavenly Bridegroom approaches!

Take us in, Master,
to Your brilliant crystalline palaces,
to the company of Your holy saints,
to Your boundless banquet of joy
in the firmament of everlasting Lights!

All this I pray in confidence and hope.


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