Andre Rieu Orchestra - My Way

Dear Lord,

Famous singer Frank Sinatra had a great hit song called "My Way." It was a paean
to individualism and self-direction.

I pray to You that my way will always be
Your way. Keep me, please, on the straight
and narrow sinless path which leads to you.

Let me follow You on the Way of the Cross.
Let me celebrate You on the Easter Resurrection.

May I never disobey You.
May I
ever please You.

Let me never be tempted ever again to go down
the path of evil, in thought, in word, or in deed.

Guide me
to be as obedient to You
as the thunder, and as constant
as the the moon, the stars, and the dawn.

When spider webs unite they can tie up a lion.
Let my prayers form the web that confouncs Satan.

All this I pray in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.



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