Virgin, Queen of all flowers,
Mystical Rose and Mother of Christ,
please receive my earnest prayer.
Mary, Mary, help me remember always
that no rose is without its thorns,
and no life without its pains.
Your own blessed heart
was pierced with agony
when you saw your beloved Son
bleeding and dying on the cross.
Oh, teach me love, Mother of God,
and send down upon me, please,
fragrant flowers of your Son's grace.
Strengthen me to bear uncomplaining
the pains and sharp afflictions
of my sometimes thorny earthly existence.
Have compassion, Mother Mary.
Aid me that I may root out all iniquities
from the garden of my soul.
Mystical Rose, send down
on all your children
the sweet fragrance of God's love
and shower upon us the petals
of your graces.
Help me always to
keep my eyes upturned
to the budding arbors of heaven,
and the greenest pastures of eternity.
Let me be finally received by you,
to Your Son, and taken cleansed
into the garden bowers of paradise
and the eternal glorified company
of Our Divine Divine Son and His saints.
All this I pray to
my mystical rose,
my tower of strength,
and my heavenly mother.

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