I see You, God, radiant in the ocean spray
and in a drift of springtime petals.

Always here and close, in a breeze, in fog,
in the smile of a stranger
on a crowded street.

You are here beside us, above us, inside us.
You know every mortal thought, hidden doubt
and secret anguish across the world.

You hold our hearts and fondest dreams.
You walk with us, you hear our fears.
You are here. You are here. You are near.

I hear You in the silences
and feel You in the flames.
You thunder in the firefly
And whisper in the windstorm.

You touch me with a baby's hand
and cleanse me in the ever-crashing surf.
You walk with me in Your majestic moonlight.

I know You in rainy nighttime streets
and in the mirror towers of cities.

You are in the watery eyes of the bag lady
and You sleep on cold night streets.

I hear You in the crickets
of a starlit country night.

You suffer in the ambulance and die daily, and shuffle hardly noticed
among forlorn refuges and the forgotten old.

Dark dangers terrify,
but I place my hope in Your light.

Disappointments weigh me down,
but Your promises lift me up,
up to the everlasting skies.

Please raise me in the dawn and hold me fast
until the setting of my final sun.

Insecurity may threaten
but on the wings of Your promises
my spirit soars toward the heavens.

Please, reach down to save me here,
my Creator, my Protector, my Only Hope.
Take me into Your eternal peace
for I have been always with You.




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