Good God Almighty,

Please pour down the waters
of the River Jordan on all your people everywhere on earth.

Send down cleansing showers upon me,
please, Lord of all streams of grace!

Please let the waters which God the Creator
called "the seas" cleanse my soul.

Let the floods which rained down on Noah
for forty days and forty nights
wash me in saving grace.

May the Red Sea which Moses parted
drench my soul and carry away all my sins.

Let me please be bathed in the Galilee
and purified by the waters
which baptized Christ.

May the wine which Christ changes
into His own Blood quench my thirsty soul.

Let one tiny drop of the holy Water
which issued from the side of the dead Jesus
bless me and mark me for entrance
through the angel-guarded portals of heaven
to be greeted by the Father, Son
and Holy Spirit, one God eternal,
and may I reside with You in love
for all eternity.


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