Sic Deus Dilexit Mundum:
God so loved the world...

Traditional Irish Prayer

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, broken, bleeding, crowned with piercing thorns, burdened
with the pain of all our sins, I worship You in Your sacrificial suffering for mankind.

Have mercy on me, a sinner, whose misdeeds
and neglect have added to Your anguish.
O God, forgive me for all the evil infractions of my life:

My sins of action and my sins of omission,

My sins in youth and My sins in adulthood,
My sins of the body and my sins of the mind,
My sins which I have confessed,
My sins which I have forgotten,
My sins against others
in thought, word, and evil deed.

O, my good God, I am sorry
for all these offenses, which I have committed in return for Your constant care
and Your abundant gifts and goodness to me.

With Your help and grace and strength
I hope to sin no more.

Keep Your image always before my mind
to give me courage and to strengthen
my resolve.

Divine Heart of Jesus, a
ll this I pray
in deepest love and in Your Holy Name,



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