Good St. Anne, you were especially favored by God to be the
mother of the most holy Virgin Mary, who was in turn chosen
to give birth to our Divine Savior.
Through your maternal
bond with your most pure daughter and with her Divine Son,
kindly request for me the grace
and the favors
I now seek.
Please secure for me forgiveness of my past sins, the strength
to perform faithfully
my daily duties, and the help I need
to persevere in the love
of your daughter's Son, our Lord Jesus.
Saint Anne, I trust your great compassion
for those who suffer and for all who invoke your assistance.
Burdened with the awareness of my worldly weaknesses I come
to you with confidence
as a child of God. I humbly beg of you
to hear my pleas, accept my prayers,
and take my intentions to the court of God.
Please intercede
for me with your daughter,
the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother
of our Savior, who can plead my poor petitions before the
throne of Jesus, Christ, her Son, our King.
Above all I
pray to obtain the grace
to one day see my God face to face,
with you, Saint Anne, and Mary,
and all the saints to praise and bless Him for all eternity.

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