Good Saint Francis, you have the ear of God.
Legend tells us that you could speak
to the animals.

Help us properly understand, cherish
and respect these marvelous creatures of God, each in its own habitat, manners
and disposition.

The fierce and wild untamed species - lions and leopards, rattlesnakes and venomous spiders - remind us of the ferocious
and irresistible power of a heaven provoked. Keep us, Francis out of harm's way.

Our domesticated dogs and cats, furry caterpillars, radiant peacocks and graceful swans, are gentle reminders of God's own elegant love for us reflected
in all creatures and in all creation.

Keep us, Francis, reminded
of God's benevolence.

Guide me, to give my pets and all other fish, birds and animals the respect, the care,
and the love they deserve,
and never ever to misuse or abuse them.

Please help all stray house pets to be found,
all abandoned animals to be given good homes,
and all animals to be treated humanely
and kindly.

Help us see in the loyalty and loving friendship of our pets the reflection
of Our Lord's own endless loyal love.

Please, Francis, ask God to keep us
and our animal friends in the safety
of His hand and the warmth of His heart,
until we (and our animal friends?) come
at last to His heavenly kingdom in eternity.


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