Missionary of the Society of Jesus

Help me become a hero —
xx One who executes both spiritual
xx and physical feats
xx One who gives himself up
xxxto be a part of something greater
xx One who departs on a journey and returns xx changed.

Help me to emphasize the magis* —
xxxOne who does his best in every area
xxxOne who strives to be great in all xx xx xx aspects of his life.

Help me become a person with and for others
xxxOne who respects himself as well as xx xx xx others
xxxOne who performs deeds not for himself, xx but for others.

Help me become a leader —
xxxOne who persuades others to do the right xx thing
xxxOne who guides others through action, not xx talk.

I pray to you for help, St. Xavier.



*magis (Latin), means more - The term traditionally used by St. Ignatius and the Jesuits to suggest the spirit of generous excellence--striving for the greater good.

Prayer by Luke Rothan, when he was a student
at St. Xavier High School, Cincinnati, Ohio

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