Lord God of Majesty,

Save me from the enticing sulfurous smoke
of Satan's temptations.

Let me inhale the clean sweet incense
of Your grace. Let me breathe in the moral courage of Your grace.

Barricade my mind against the scent
of evil thoughts, and smoldering temptations. Let my tongue burn before I speak ill of anyone.

Close my ears against the flaming coals
of cruel gossip, knowing that words once spoken cannot ever be wholly "taken back," and realizing that a reputation
once scarred may never, ever heal.

Let me not gloat over the dark missteps
of another, but keep myself on the path lit by the torches of honor, charity and truth.

Let me never, ever, use words as weapons.

Cloud me in the sweet perfumes
of Your grace and the bracing odor
of sanctity.

Sacred Heart, set my heart ablaze
with burning charity, with fires of good purpose, and with my only goal the gaining
of heavenly union with You.

Bring me at last to Your own Sacred Heart, inflamed with eternal love for all Your creatures.

Make me Yours now and always.

All this I pray in Your Holy Name,


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