God of Skies, God of Heavens,
God of Day, God of End of Day,
God of Life, God of End of Life,

Let each sunset remind me
that my life on earth is finite.

Life is precious, life in this world
is not forever, life is Your gift,
which is given, and ultimately,
taken away.

My life is what I can make of it:
used well, wasted, treasured,
plodded through, lived to the fullest,
lived for others, lived to honor You.

Life is Your gift to me.
Let me give it back well lived to You,
my God and my Creator.

Help me value each day, each hour,
each minute of my existence.
Let me always see potential for good
even in down times, even in sadness,
even in depression.

Let me always know that You are there,
You are here, and You have given me my life
to make of it what I will, to make of it what I can, before I return it to You
in my final sunset hour.

Let me often contemplate my end,
and how each action I take will be valued
in my life's accounting at heaven's gate.

Make me Yours, Lord Jesus, and forgive me, humble me, and keep me always Yours
until that final sunset.

Let me arise then to heaven
with the brilliant dawn,
fresh with the dew of grace, and arrayed
in the sunshine raiment of forgiveness
and golden glory.

All this I pray to You, my only God,



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