God, You Who gave me life and breath
and feeling, sight and hearing, Y
ou Who gave me touch and thought, and the ability to love, hear my prayer now as I dedicate all that I am, all that I see, all that I feel, all that I can do, every moment of my life to You, my Great and Good Creator.

Make me sensible, make me wise,
make me humble, make me whole.

I dedicate everything I ever see,
or have seen, or ever will see, to You.

I dedicate my thoughts and my feelings,
my loneliness and my happiness,
all to you, my Lord and Redeemer.

Stand by me, Lord, walk with me, please.
Hold me so that I do not slip
from the path of righteousness and glory
into the abyss of sin.

All this I pray to you my good Creator,
my King, my Great Eternal Love,


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