my Rock and my Strength,
please be with me as I face every challenge, difficulty,
disappointment and fear
which comes to me.
Give me
courage when I am afraid.
Give me endurance when I feel pain.
Give me confidence when I am unsure.
Give me certainty when I am in doubt.
Give me strength when things go wrong.
Give me companionship when I am lonely.
Give me fortitude when I face temptation.
Give me wisdom when I must make decisions.
Give me grace when I have evil temptations.
Give me righteous anger when I see injustice.
Give me light when I am in spiritual darkness.
me hope if I am depressed.
Send me clarity if I am confused.
Send me comfort if I am distressed.
turn my gaze to heaven, God,
when I am too immersed in earthly matters.

keep Your cross of salvation
often in my consciousness, and before my eyes.
Occasionally, remind me of Your Crucifixion when
I see crossed bars in windows, grates
and fences, patterns and designs.

Let me
not fall into evil, worldly temptations
but rather keep eternity as my road-map goal
and constant north-star.
Thank you for my loving family.
Thank you for my loyal friends.
Thank you for all the beauty of the world!
Keep me
Keep me close.
Keep me loyal.
Keep me valiant.
Bring me
finally into your Divine Presence,
my dear Lord and Redeemer,
my Be All and End All.

Ownership Credits
Prayer Index
2011 Donn B. Murphy
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