Sunrise, night fades,
as light tip-toes
over crimson cloudy peaks gilding vales
and villages.
God watches.
Sturdy Nick, no spring-chicken
cradles his ancient neighbor down the stairs
which she can no longer negotiate.
Good-hearted Trooper
Tom sends a dozen variegated roses to almost-forgotten friends
for no good reason but a good thought reason.
God listens.
Squeals of eager laughter
on the big yellow buses, carrying the hopes of tomorrow,
as Da-Glowed cross-walk volunteers
wave and guard them into the future.
Spiders are mending
their dew-droppy webs,
just-born babies are crying their arrival,
and tiny pigeons splash in their baths
on a gentle waterfall.
God approves.
Now, fresh-baking bread
and fresh beginnings,
first-day-on-the-job, just-married,
paroled at last, (with a brown paper bag of all her earthly
possessions), while a dewy new-hire data-entry specialist sits
at his keyboard, hoping to do better than yesterday.
Bustling subways, crowded
an early-morning supplicant
whispers on bended knee in a silent hospital chapel.
God smiles.
He gives all of us
one more dewy-dawn-birdsong-chance to really make the
a better place than we made it yesterday.
We could do it. All
together now!
Push us to it, God, push us to it!
God nods approval.
God, Amen!
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