Almighty God, I come to you in sin,
but penitent. I know that I can seek absolution, abandon
my guilt
and move forward toward You and Your kingdom.
I confess to You Almighty God,
Who sees into my inmost heart, that I have sinned. Guide
me to look back honestly
and deeply so that I may boldly confront, bravely admit,
and sincerely confess
my many moral failings.
I spoke
when I should have remained silent.
I remained silent
when I should have spoken.
I criticized
when I should have praised.
I praised
when I should have been honest.
I received when
I should have been giving.
I was negligent
when I should have been caring.
I was neglectful
when I should have been diligent.
I have been late
when I should have been punctual.
I have
been avaricious
when I should have been generous.
I have been impulsive
when I should have been cautious.
I have been careless
when I should have been attentive.
I have been garrulous
when I should have been listening.
I have been
when I should have been selfless.
I have gossiped about others
when I should have remained silent.
I have been lazy
when I should have been productive.
I have been self-centered
when I should have been concerned for others.
I confess all these shortcomings and sins
to You, my God, with my promise
to make every effort to do better,
to make amends, and to make my life
in all things more pleasing to You,
my Creator and my Salvation, who gave me life and body,
soul and free will.
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2011 Donn B. Murphy
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