God of All Life,

As I age, my senses, once all sharp
and alert, begin to fail, blur, atrophy,
ever so slightly, ever so slowly, ever so surely.

Vision blurs, sounds become less distinct,
and foods are not all as tasty as before.

Let me look at these changes as gifts,
which lead me to pay decreasing attention
to the physical world outside
and more attention to my interior life,
my spiritual life, my prayer life,
my life to come.

Please, Lord, let these changes come slowly, so that I can adjust, and do not let me lose my contact with the "outside world"
to the degree that I endanger myself,
and aggravate those with whom I communicate.

Most especially, please to not let me become a burden on others, or a danger to myself
as I continue to navigate in the "real world," but simultaneously prepare my soul
for the world to come.

Thank you for the invaluable gifts
of physical sensation. Forgive me
for instances in which I have abused them,
or used them for sinful purposes.

Please, my Savior, Who knows all and sees all, please guide me every day to use
all my facilities to prepare myself
for eternal life with You in heaven.

All this I pray in confidence and hope,



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