People may forget what you said,
and they may forget what you did,
but people will never forget
how you made them feel.
Maya Angelou

Lord, Jesus, thank You for the kindness
of strangers and the support of my friends.
Please teach me how to be a polite acquaintance and a good friend
in return.

It is when times get tough
that friends matter most.
Let me never desert any friend in need.

The night before Your arrest,
You asked Your disciples to be on watch while You were praying in the Garden of Olives,
but they fell asleep. "What," You asked,
"Could you not watch with Me one hour?"

Soon after, You were arrested, and they abandoned You, probably out of justified fear for their own lives.

We are told that Peter, the disciple whom
You raised above all others to be the first head of Your Church, denied his friendship with you three times.

Give me the courage and sensitivity
to be a good friend always and most of all
never to deny or neglect my friendship
with You or with anyone.

Maya knows: People will never forget
how I make them feel. Help me make them all feel what they are: Your wonderful creations.

All this I pray to you my God, my close, eternal, all-powerful, all forgiving,
all-loving Friend.



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