God Almighty, God of planets,
God of tides, God of moonlight,
You, Who made this universe we know
in seven days, but always was,
and always will be, how can I know You?
You, Whose single breath can create starfish
and waterfalls, daybreak and and daisies and
kittens, how can I learn to love You?
How can I not love You? How can I be worthy
of You?
You, Whose thought can turn clay and spittle
into man, Whose nod can crater valleys,
how can I serve You? How can I not?
Master, Whose majesty knows no bounds,
and Whose goodness has no limit,
God of the galaxies, Lord of limitless space,
You threw the moon and the crystal Milky Way
across the skies and that done,
You made me and came into my heart.
How can I not love You?
fear for myself and my unworthiness
when I realize that You make
out of nothing, meteors of Your breath,
roaring, fire-belching
with a thought.

You command the seasons but You seek my love.
How can I be worthy of You?
How could I resist You, Magnificent Lover?
How could I possibly turn from You?
Forget You? Ignore You? Not love You?
How could I for one briefest instant
not think of You, adore You, revere You,
praise You as my God and my Love almighty?
eons I did not exist
as the world revolved, and then
You thought of me, and I was there.
You formed me from nothing,
You breathed life into me, and instantly
I was....
You took up residence in my mind and heart,
in my soul and flesh, and You were there.
made me in Your Image as Your child,
and promised me eternal happiness
forever with You, asking nothing in return
but only my rejection of sin,
and the return of my love to You.

How, how, how can I for any instant forget You,
or fail to return the Divine love
which is Your infinite gift to me?
Oh, Lord remember, though my spirit
is willing my flesh is weak,
and my human body and my will
are both prone to temptation and decay.
me then remember, God my Creator,
that my earthly days are numbered,
and that my time in this frail body
will surely come to an end
and my eyes will close for the last time.
Please fix my inner sight on heavenly things,
and bend my will to goodness.
Let not the temptations of the weak body
or the vanities of the vain world
deter me from my salvation's path to You.
Spirit, help me better comprehend
the magnitude of your benevolence.

At the end of the day, help me summon
the grace, the gravity, the graciousness
and gratitude, the love and honor
and devotion, which I owe to You, my Creator,
my God, my Lord and Master, my Best Hope
and Sweet Salvation, my Love Eternal at last.
me close, my God, and keep me from sin!
All this I earnestly and humbly pray.
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Prayer Index
(c) 2011 Donn B. Murphy
- Comment - Question? - dbm@nowstar.net