Dear God of All Days,

Some days it seems as if all goes wrong
and nothing goes right.

I have "gotten up on the wrong side
of the bed."

Dark rain falls in my heart,
even if the sun is shining brightly outside.
My energy flags. Nothing gets done.
Despond seeps in. Pessimism prevails.
I just can't get going.

Other days, it's sunny smooth sailing,
as all goes well and It's a Wonderful World, as Louis Armstrong used to sing.

Please be with me always, Lord,
in good times and bad.

Help me, give me the will,
and teach me how to make bad dark days
into bright good days.

Let me remember always that You are with me, no matter what. You suffered
for our sins, and perhaps I need to do
a little penance for the evil I have caused, the times when I took the wrong turn
at a fork in life's road,
when I neglected an opportunity
to defend the weak,
when I failed to help those in need,
when I did not give generously,
and when I did not think of You,
and pray to You, as I should have.

For my sins and failures, Lord,
I repent and ask forgiveness.

Please cleanse my soul again,
and array me in a new suit
of brilliant moral armor.

When I am down, let me then especially think of what I can do for someone else, who may also be having "a bad day."

I know that You are always with me,
no matter what I may face. You are there.
That makes my day.

Bring the sun of Your grace shining out
through the clouds of my uncertainty
and despair.

Help me see how I can aid others, and give me the will and the fortitude to do so.

Help me make all my days good days
of generosity and accomplishment.

All this I pray, this day, in earnest hope
to You my ever-loving God.

Bring the sun of Your grace shining out
through the clouds of my uncertainty
and despair.

Help me see how I can aid others,
and give me the will and the fortitude
to do so at every opportunity.

Help me make all my days good days
of generosity and accomplishment.

All this I pray, this day, in earnest hope
to You my ever-loving God of Time Eternal.


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