God of all creation,
the years advance, and I have clearly lived most of my
allotted time on earth,
I beg You to help me prepare calmly
for the end of my life.
it be Your will, my Creator
and my Divine Master, please keep my memory
reasonablY intact. I beg You, too, please keep my senses
adequately working.
Please let my my bodily functions
continue to operate sufficiently
to keep me reasonably healthy
until the end, and let me not be a burden
to others who have their own lives to live.
I put myself into the safeguard
of Your hands.
Jesus, let me not have
a protracted illness which would be difficult
for me and those close to me.
I beg you not to let me become a burden
to my partner.
If there must be pain, please make me brave, and stoic,
and uncomplaining.
it is possible within Your Divine Plan,
please spare me from a long and painful agony
as the time approaches for my life's journey
to come to an end.
Let me
not unduly linger when the sands
of my hourglass run out and your bright angel
comes to return my soul to the Hand that created it.
But, dear Lord, whatever You choose to be
my fate, please give me the grace,
forbearance and fortitude to endure all
that is necessary, with composed acceptance
no complaint, a smile, and total, unfailing faith and
trust in You.

pray to You Lord Jesus, who took on human flesh, through
the intercession
of Your earthly father, Saint Joseph,
who surely
held You on his knee,
raised You as a Child, taught You
in his carpentry shop, and certainly had
the most happy death possible in the company of You and
Your beloved mother, Mary.
When my final hours come, please afford me fortitude,
calm cheerfulness, confidence,
acceptance, self-control, peace of mind, faith and total
trust in You, my Savior.
Let me not be a burden to my family,
friends and caregivers.
give me words to express to them
my great appreciation for all they will have done for
me in this worldly life.
great God Almighty,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
please then send down your shining angels
to wash the blemishes from my soul,
and to take me gently to my friends
and those in my family who have preceded me,
and to accompany me into Your Divine Presence
to join Your saints and all the heavenly host
in adoration before Your throne,
surrounded in radiant love forever and ever.

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2011 Donn B. Murphy
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