God of All Creation,
We, humans, are the only species of animal to whom You gave the gift of laughter. Hyenas? Well, they sound like laughers,
but they have no sense of humor:
they don't get the joke.
You gave me the gift of seeing the incongruities and imperfections and incompleteness of my human existence.
Humor keeps mefrom taking myself too seriously, and the occasional "slip
on a bannana peel" enables me to see
the occasional inappropriate pomposity
in others.Giving methe ability to laugh at my own foibles, prompts meto not take myuself too gravely before I come to my grave: bad pun!
I laugh innocently and joyously
at the unsteadiness of a baby's first steps
and the clumsy antics of cats and bear cubs and seals.
Thank, You, God, for this treasured
and happy gift which brightens my day,
and lightens my way to You.Let me never use humor to mock another person, and let me never laugh
at the misfortune of another.But it has been said that there is a thin line between tragedy and comedy: If someone falls, I laugh until I see that they are hurt, or I hold my laughter until I see that they are all right.
Let me then, Lord, meet each day happily, with a smile and the happy joy of You
in my heart.And let me be able to laugh,
even when the joke is on me.All this I pray,
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