Lord, God, Jesus, where do You reside?

I seek You in blankets of new-fallen snow,
in the hexagon perfection of every snowflake, and in crystalline icicles
melting blessings.

I seek you in the first sprouts
of springtime and the singing colors
of flowers and rolling meadows of clover.

I seek You in golden sunrises and sunsets,
in sunflowers and summer evenings,
in the palette of falling autumn leaves
and the abundance of good fall harvests.

But where are Your thrones and palaces?
Do You ever lay Your head to sleep?
Are you somewhere behind the skies?

I must seek You.
I must find You.
I must love You.

I know Your heaven is far,
far beyond the reach
of the furthest galaxy, a million,
billion light years
past my short existence here on earth,
and yet it surrounds us, seen and unseen.

You have told us, and we surely believe
that Your Kingdom is "near at hand."
Your kingdom transcends our mortal vision.

But can I see You today?
I know you are in dawns and rainbows
in the tiniest insect and the morning dews.
I see You in the silent, sure peaceful fall
of a dusky evening.

Indeed, you are there reflecting the sun
in the placid waters of all cool lakes,
in volcano's' lava and at the molten
core of our earth, and, yes, yes,
in the perfect design of every flower
and, yes, in the cold blue arctic ice
and in the furthest, loveliest pale star
and, yes, yes, yes, everywhere.

I see you close in tumbling, jumping puppies
and baby pandas and cuddling furry kittens,
perfect spider webs crystaled with morning,
and the whispering secrets of sea shells.

But most of all I see You, in every face
and smile and tear and footstep and hope
of every living person.

Please be always on my mind, My God,
through every turn of nature,
and in my body, in every fibre and muscle,
with every beating of my heart.

You are here. You are near. You are always.
In every rhyme. At every time.
In every baby's eager cooing,
and every old man's throaty cough,
In every symphony, birdsong and conundrum.

Every mind and thought are known to You,
Who are always, always everywhere.

So let me not be blind to You
and Your Serenity, Your Majesty,
Your Omnipotence, Your Sweet, Simple,
Saving Love and Care.

You, God, in every fibre,
every molecule of my body
are also graven, burning, in my soul.
Please reign there now forevermore!
Let me keep You always close within!

This is my prayer, always fresh, renewed,
ever green with hope against hope,
and ever strong with faith against doubt,
and with all-consuming trust in You,


My All
My Hope
My Light
My Savior

My Teacher
My Guidance
My Direction
My Sustenance
My King Divine
My Faithful Love
My Teacher Always
My Alpha and Omega
My Enduring Majesty
My Be All and End All
My Sustenance and Hope
Now, always and forever!


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