vs LEO
Dear God of All
I know that two
proud churchmen, Pope Leo X and the monk, Martin Luther,
clashed in 1517, splintering monolithic CHristianity into
now embraces some 33,000 Protestant branches. I wonder how
different the world might be if these two proud men had
found a way
to intellectual and spiritual peace with each other.
The Pope was the
second son of Lorenzo
il Magnifico, ruler of the grand Florentine Republic.
The Pope is remembered for his unfortunate comment, "Since
God has given us the papacy, let us enjoy it." While
not wholly dissolute, he spent extravagantly on artworks
and lived a life of rich "enjoyment."
Please, Lord of
All, keep me from rash acts
or decisions. Keep me from pride. Keep me
from antagonism and confrontations. Keep me from concentration
on the artistic beauties of the world, to the detriment
of meditation on the glories of Your eternal kingdom.
Let me respect
beliefs not my own, and please, God, keep my own faith firm,
built on a solid foundation of hope and prayer.
I prayer for adherents
of the 33,000 Protestant sects, and for Atheists, Agnostics
and all people who have not had the gift
of faith which was given to me.
Let my faith never
make me proud or insensitive, but rather humble and grateful.
Keep me at peace,
please, King of Peace.
All this I pray
in Your name, the name
of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,

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