Dear Lord of Letters,
my begining and end, please, God:

Armor me against the wiles of Satan.
Bless me when I need Your grace.
Care for me when I am sick in body or soul.
Deliver me from all temptation.
Enlighten me when I need to understand.
Favor me when I do not deserve Your mercy.
Guard me when I put myself in danger of sin.
Humble me when I am tempted to pride.
Invigorate me when I am slothful and lazy.
Judge my sinfulness with undeserved mercy.
Keep me close beneath Your saving cloak.
Love me even when I forget to love You.
Motivate me when I need to care for others.
Nurture me when I am hungry in spirit.
Open me when I am closed and selfish.
Protect me when I am in danger of sin.
Qualify me for entrance into Your kingdom.
Restore me when my soul is weary.
Save me from temptation and evil thoughts.
Toughen me for spiritual battle.
Understand me as only You can, my Creator.
Vivify me when I am spiritually sluggish.
Wash me clean in the in the saving waters
of the heavenly Jordan River.

Please, Dear Lord, hold me always secure
in the palm of Your gentle, blessed, hand
and in the safe home of Your Sacred Heart.
All this I pray to You,
my good and glorious and ever-loving God.




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