It is written on the arched sky.
It looks out from every star.
It is the poetry of Nature.
It is that which uplifts
the spirit within us.

John Ruskin

God Almighty, Author of Souls,
Framer of Sunsets, Starlighter,
Breath of blossoms and blades of grass,
thank You for all creation.

Holy Spirit Who forms, ensouls, enlightens and sustains us: always invisible,
but ever present, please keep me aware.
Keep me alert. Let me know You
with every breath I breathe.

Let me respect the architecture
of the human body, and exploding volcanoes,
the ferocious power of earthquakes
and the melody of daisies.

Let me know you, God, in skies and sunsets.
Let me love You as the rains fall
and You blanket the meadows with clover,
and You ice-crystal the trees.

The Incas thought the sun was You.
Scientists tell us it is a roiling mass
of hot gases. But I believe indeed,
that of course, it is You as well.

You rapture the sky as a reminder
of Your beneficence:
You, the Light of the world!
Shining Love. Blazing Salvation.
Inviting us to eternity in Your arms!

Each day as my senses meet the world anew,
as I savor the air and walk the ground,
please keep me aware. Keep me alert.
Let me remember that You are here.
Everywhere. Always. Sustaining. Guiding. Loving.

Keep me faithful and thankful for Your gift
of this grand and God-gloried earth.

To get in touch with nature is surely to have a moment with You.

A film of Your majestic animals - Here

Thank You, God, for the glories of the world.




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