God, Your trusting servant, Noah,
was ridiculed for setting out on the project
and the fearsome journey
which You asked of him.

But he made Your will his own
without question, hesitation or doubt.

He built his ark, gathered the animals,
two of every species, and the rains came pouring down!

Noah withstood logic and scorn to obey
Your command, launching out into the dark unknown, over the roaring waves with his family and his grand menagerie
crowded on board, for forty stormy days,
and forty dark, storm-tossed nights.

At the end of a frightening voyage,
a dove brought back a twig, and Noah returned to the safe harbor of Your love.

Having endured their harrowing journey,
I envision Noah and his family disembarking,
kissing the dry land, and then escorting their grand menagerie of marvelous creatures,
which You have created as mankind's friends, back to their various native habitats.

What an adventure!

Dear Lord, please teach me to have the trust
and obedience which your humble, faithful, Noah had.

Give me the courage to weather storms
of all kinds, trusting in the mercy
of Your saving grace and the rainbow
of your promise.

As Noah did, let me always treat well
and respectfully all the humble living creatures who share Your earth with us.

The storms of this world and this life
will one day be over for me.

Please bring me then in peace
across the Jordan waters to the silver shores
and the pearled gates of Your heavenly home.

All this I pray to You, Dear Lord God, Creator of All,


From Noah's Ark, some wisdom:

* Don't miss the boat.

* Remember that we are all in the same boat!

* Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark .

* Stay fit. When you're 60 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big.

* Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.

* Build your future on high ground.

* For safety's sake, travel in pairs.

* Speed isn't always an advantage.
The snails were on board with the cheetahs.

* I When you're stressed, float awhile.

* Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals.

* No matter how violent the storm,
there's always a rainbow waiting.

Origin Unkown



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