Lord You sent down torrents on the earth
which only Noah and those in his ark escaped.

Please rain down graces now to cleanse
my soul that I, too, may be saved!

Let all the blemishes of sin and selfishness, gluttony, pride and sloth, be washed away
in a flood of saving waters.

Keep me always trusting You as Noah did
when he launched out upon the unknown deep
into forty days and forty nights of dark
and rain.

Noah saw ever trace of living life on the earth extinguished, but he never stopped trusting You and Your promises to him.

He trusted that You, Who know all things
and have all powers, and are Love Incarnate,
would protect him from all harm.

And You did.
And then You sent a rainbow arching
across the sky as Your promise never to flood the world again.

Please, my good God, protect me
through all earthly storms, that I may come at last into the safe harbor of your loving arms under a radiant rainbow, to live
with you for all eternity.

Let think of You when I see stormy skies, and let me think of you always when I see rainbows.

All this I pray in Jesus' name,


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