Dear Saint Francis,

I know that you were a great scholar,
and a mystical writer, who co-founded
Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary.
I believe you must be a close friend
of Our Lord Jesus.

I pray that you will ask Him to give me understanding of spiritual things,
and the energy to pursue those mysteries
of which you wrote.

It is recorded that you developed
a sign language in order to teach
a deaf man about God, and so you became
the Patron Saint of those with hearing loss.

I pray now that you will hear my prayer
to ask for protection of my hearing
as I get older, and I ask you to present
this petition before the throne of God.

Thank you, Francis, for your inspiration,
and for giving us in your own life a model
of persistence over difficulties,
an example of survival over challenges.

All this I pray through you,
my emissary to our good and loving God,
Who will surely hear your prayers.


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