Dear Saint Jude,

You were among the twelve chosen by our Lord to be his closest earthly companions,
charged with bringing the faith to us throughout the world.

I come to you, the advocate of all despairing and hopeless people who are desperate
to have their prayers answered.

They see you as the last resort for those
who seek to have their petition presented before the throne of Our Majesty,
Christ Our King.

Anointed as the patron of Hopeless Causes, you give us assurance and bright confidence
to conquer dark despair.

Pease, Jude, hear my fervent prayer
and the petitions of all those who feel
that they are "at the end of their rope,"
and near the end of their hope.

We all come to you, Jude,
in confidence and trust.

After the death of Jesus, legend tells us that you always wore a likeness
of Our Savior, and that you presented it
to the ailing King Abgar of Edessa,
whose health was restored when he venerated the holy image.

Today we often wear the medal of Christ
as you did, seeking for ourselves favors
like that granted to the king.

Please now, good Jude, aid the many
who are desperate. Allay their anxieties,
and ask the Master, who chose you
to be close to His Sacred Heart,
to help your desperate petitioners
who are in agonized tribulation
and suffering.

Dear God, my prayer comes to you in hope
with trust in Your love for Your servant, Jude, who carried your image always
next to his heart.


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