God of All Saints,
Little known here in America, Your saints Mungo and Columbus are especially revered
in Scotland, and were known to have been holy men and friends.They are beautifully memorialized
in a stained glass window where they are seen presenting a cathedral to the patronage
and protection of King Ryyhkerich of Alt Clut, the region around modern Dumbarton Rock, a Brittonic kingdom that existed
in the valley of the River Clyde in Scotland.
I pray to you, good saints, who are remembered here in my prayer, to ask our God to hold me safe in His holy grace.
Please bless all good friendships with trust,
longevity and mutual assistance.
Please pray to our Friend Jesus to strengthen all good and holy friendships, and dissolve friendships and illicit relationships
which are damaging to souls.All this I pray to you in confidence
and trust, that you will present my petitions before the throne of our All Good God.Amen
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