Lord God of All,

Please bestow on me the gift of
the three theological virtues,
Faith, Hope and Charity.

Please help me also to enshrine in my heart, and have the ardor to practice always,
the four cardinal virtues of
Prudence, Justice, Temperance and Fortitude.


God, You gave me my Faith at Baptism
through my family and my church,
and through my education
at home and in school.

Your servant, Mark, tells us in His Gospel
of a man who said to You, "I believe, Lord! help Thou my unbelief." I, too, am that man.

I know that faith is never perfect,
never certain, should never be unexamined.
It is never without the need for trust,
devotion, renewal and recommitment.
That is why it is called faith.

I base my faith in trust on You, my Lord,
who can neither deceive nor be deceived.
Let my faith be strong and ever renewed,

committed and trusting always
in Your goodness and Your promises.


Hope is my unwavering trust in You,
Dear Lord, my Rock, my Fortress,
my Foundation and my Salvation.

Hope springs eternal. I know that if I am faithful to You and Your laws, I will see You one day in Your heavenly kingdom.

I pray with all my heart to be united
with You, my only hope, for all eternity.


Help me my Redeemer,
to have charity always for all people
and without exception.

Keep me aware of the shining soul
within every person, friendly or unfriendly,
known to me or unknown, rich or poor,
hostile, evil, saintly or wise.

Always, the soul exists.
I leave all judgment to You,
Who made us all and loves us all.

Let me pray for All Souls,
especially for those of people
who feel alone and neglected in this world,
and who have not found in You the solace
which awaits them if they only dare to ask.


Help me, God to govern myself
in all my acts and decisions wisely,
with foresight, insight and wisdom.

Help me to think before I speak,
particularly when I am speaking
about another person.

Help me to consider consequences carefully
before I act, and help me to act always
prudently, as I know You would wish me to do.



Guide me, Lord, be just in all my judgments:
always considering and respecting
the rights of others, standing up for those
whose rights are limited or denied,
and raising my voice, and working however
I can for justice for all peoples
all over the world.

Let me not forget that every person
of every color and creed, size and shape,
is made in Your image and likeness
and is equal to every other person, always.

Keep me just, and not judgmental.


Make me cautious, careful, thoughtful
and temperate in all my actions
and in my use of all worldly goods.
Let me be moderate in my desires,
and in my use of food, worldly goods
and luxuries.

Keep me reminded always to share
all that I have, and all that I am,
with all those in need, in every way I can.


Make me strong, Lord, and as Your Soldier
of God, help me to resist temptation,
and to always take the moral high ground.

Give me strength to persevere
in health challenges, set-backs, disappointments and depression,
loss of faculties, loss of friends,
and all the other ills
to which our flesh is inescapably heir.

Help me keep my eye always
on heavenly rewards, and not place my trust, or store up my treasures in this world
here below, where moths consume
and thieves break in to steal.

Please Lord, consume my soul!
Break in and steal my heart
to posses me for all eternity with You.

All this I pray in the name of Jesus.



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