God above, You have given us a panorama
of possibility, choice and progression.


Our first years are all about growth
and development: a time of experiment,
self-discovery, learning, improvement
and change.

You bring us innocent into the world
and we begin making choices about ourselves and who we are to become.

We are schooled, we take our first jobs,
we construct a circle of friends.

God of Possibility, thank you
for Your gifts, physical and mental,
and Your divine guidance to me
in the uncertain formation of my life.

Thank you for creating me
and setting me free to learn and grow
and become a mature person!


Coming into middle-age I was secure
in myself and able to use my talents unselfconsciously in what I hope was productive work, helpful to others
and pleasing to You.

I enjoyed the challenges, the comradeships,
the goals and the changes, brave adventures
and the stimulating atmosphere of adult achievement, the meeting of mature expectations and the satisfaction
of accomplishment and success
among supportive colleagues.

God of Life, thank you for Your continued guidance in my choices and actions!


With my official work life over,
I come into the final phase of my existence here on earth: The Golden Age of Seniority, Privilege, and "free time."

New vistas and new opportunities present themselves: time to make room for all
the things that were "put off" when life
was far too busy.

But, regrettably, energy flags, the senses are less sharp... The body is less flexible
and the mind less agile...

Illness and pain seem to come with this new territory and its intimidating finality.

Guide me to make the best choices
in this new landscape.

The thought of the final curtain
is inescapable.
The news from relatives
and friends is not so cheerful as before,
and then, one by one they take their bows and make their exits, leaving empty places on the stages and at the tables
of our lives.

Heads up! Give me the resilience to support those in need with cheerful inspiration
and good friendship.
Let my optimism not flag.

Yet still, the future looms uncertainly.
Please, God of Life, give me the vision
and the vigor to "keep on keeping on."

I pray You now for special energy, guidance and support as I navigate the perils
of this final journey forward.

You are my Anchor and my Lifeline.
You are my Destiny and my Destination.
You are my Hope and my Salvation.

I place all my trust in you, dear Jesus,
Master, Holy Spirit, God on high:

I see you waiting on a shore ahead,
arms outstretched as in welcome,
as You stand on a mountain-top in Brazil.

Guide, me my God of Destiny and Salvation.
Keep my craft afloat and my compass turned toward You that I may complete my life's journey safely,and sail victoriously
into Heaven's Harbor, and into Your divine waiting embrace.



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