GOD, the Father
GOD, the Son
GOD, the Holy Spirit
Bless me and
please aid me to understand
the inexhaustible Beauty
and the divine Mystery
of the Holy Trinity ever more deeply
and ever more prayerfully.
GOD, Source of all power,
mighty is the universe of Your creation.
Great are the stars, though they burn
with extinguishable fires
which are but infinitesimal sparks
of Your everlasting radiance and glory.
In the gentle
summer breeze
xxxxxxxI feel the tenderness
of Your Mercy.
In the astounding impact of thunder
xxxxxxxI hear the power of
Your grace.
You touch me with gravity
xxxxxxxand the power of the
I see You in the regularity of the sunrise
xxxxxxxand the inevitability
of death.
I recognize Your divine plan.
xxxxxxxwhich orders all parts
of nature.
I bow before
You as my only purpose,
xxxxxxxas the only reason
for my existence.
I place Your service before
xxxxxxxall other reasons
for my being.
And I place my will at Your command.
Still, please
grant me Fatherly forgiveness,
xxxxxxxfor no person can
stand the test
xxxxxxxof Divine Justice.
Draw me endlessly deep into Your loving embrace and save
me from myself.
Guard me, Lord, against damnation.
I adore You, God my fellow Man,
xxxxxxxrecreated in flesh
to endure
xxxxxxxmy plight.
I kneel before You:
xxxxxx helpless Baby of Bethlehem,
xxxxxx my Father, myxSalvation.
I adore You:
xxxxxxxbleeding remnant of
Body on the xxxxxxxcross,
my Savior.
I worship sacrificial Wine and Bread
xxxxxx at the altar, my Creator.
I love You as my Brother, Jesus.
Now my soul is
xxxxxxxas Your human body
once was.
I am torn almost to despair
xxxxxxxwith fear and affliction.
Remember again
the treachery
xxxxxxxof the body to the
For Your Divine Soul was captive once
xxxxxxxas mine is now.
My Jesus, I feel close to You
xxxxxxxin that moment on
the cross
xxxxxxxwhen You cried out,
xxxxxxx"Eli, Eli,
lamma sabactani!"
For sometimes I feel
xxxxxxxa sense of vacant
xxxxxxxguilt and abandonment.
Understand me then
xxxxxxxand realize how much
help I need
xxxxxxxto understanding You,
Infinite God.
My Jesus, please
remember your Calvary
xxxxxxxwhen You as Man
xxxxxxxexperienced the terrible
xxxxxxxand the fear and the
crying, raging
xxxxxxximpotence of the Man
who feels
xxxxxx that his God does
not hear
xxxxxx His cry for help:
xxxxxxxMy God, My God,
have You forsaken Me?
Yet let me, like You, trust.
Bring me home to You,
xxxxxxxas your Father brought
You home
xxxxxxxinto the bosom of
the Holy Spirit
xxxxxxxfor all Eternity.
SPIRIT, perfection of intellect
xxxxxxxI adore You.
May my infinitesimal share in Divine Wisdom
xxxxxxxnot destroy itself
xxxxxxxin pondering my vast
May my portion
of Your Divine Will
xxxxxxxnot turn against me
to my xxxxxxxdestruction.
Help me find new words, new ways,
xxxxxxxnew thoughts to share
with You.
Help me to shut out the world.
Deepen my concentration
xxxxxxxand sear my heart
xxxxxx with the fires of
true love.
Give me an increasing realization
xxxxxxxof Your Divine Presence.
In the silent night watch, let my prayer
xxxxxxxbe an opening of my
heart to
xxxxxxxthe acceptance of
Your will.
Please forgive
my weakness
xxxxxxxin moments of temptation.
Forgive my omissions
xxxxxxxin times of thoughtlessness.
Forgive my neglect
xxxxxxxin days of carelessness.
Forgive my pride in seasons of success.
Forgive my despair in moments of failure.
Forgive the evil I have done to the one soul
xxxxxxxwhich You created
only for me.
You have given me Yourself in my fellow beings and I have
often neglected or turned against You and them.

Almighty Father, Saving Son,
Nourishing Holy Spirit,
hold me in your Divine Love
forever, and forever, and forever
xxxxxxxand forever and forever...

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1964 Donn B. Murphy
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