Eternal, Perfect, Unchanging God,
far beyond the furthest cloud and galaxy,
yet at this moment here in my heart,
You are, You have always been,
You will always be.
I am changing
with each breath,
each second, each tick of the clock.
I am not today who or what I was yesterday
nor who or what I will be one hour from now, this
night, or tomorrow on the path ahead, the journey
to eternity.
My wish and
hope and prayer is that I am better today than I was
before, and better yesterday than the day before that.
I dedicate
to You, Lord,
each finite millisecond of my life,
and I pray that I remain worthy
of union with You in all my days.
I do not hold the opinions I once held,
or the concerns, or the desires.
Over the years, friends come and go.
New friends arrive, longtime friends depart. All alters.
All is transcending
in the hourglass of my existence.
What seemed of greatest importance earlier,
now, perhaps not so much, but some things forgotten
or overlooked deserve revisitation.
As the world turns and turns, and the moments pass
in irretrievable succession, my bones change, my skin
changes, my eyesight
and hearing, my interests and ideas,
my goals, and mind and passions
-- all these change.
Lord, help me day-to-day to make
good alterations where I can, however tiny, changes
for the better, improvements
making my life more pleasing to You,
Who gave me life, and Who gives me
my every breath and meaning.
Make me alert
to the areas in which
I can be stronger, and more sensitive,
kinder and more charitable.
Please keep
my eyesight and insight steady,
and focused on the golden goal, the means
of attaining eternal union with You.
Please keep my attention attuned to the needs of others,
physical, mental and spiritual, and to Your Sacred
Lord, please hold my hand tightly in Yours
as my days pass by and my years advance.

Please hold my soul upright and steady,
always moving onward, forward,
on its journey to You, no side distractions, no backsliding.
Please, Christ
my King, let my ultimate destiny be eternal, everlasting,
bright - sweet union with You, in the company
of Your saints in paradise, forever.

All this
I earnestly pray to You,
my dearest Lord, my unchanging Creator,
my Life, my Goal, my Guide, my God.

Ownership Credits
Prayer Index
2011 Donn B. Murphy
Contact - Comment - Question? - dbm@nowstar.net |