God of waterways and oceans,
please keep Your hand on my hand
as I navigate the destiny of my existence,
encircling the globe of my life:
Your laws are my sea-chart,
Your inspiration is my transit,
Your promised land is my hoped-for port.

Spirit, breath invigorating winds
of belief to fill my sails and carry me swiftly,
through dark tempests
of temptation and past the spiraling
sea-spouts of sin. Guide me safely
to the shining harbor of my heavenly home.

Who created the earth and the seas,
please bless the barque of my life
and keep this, my only craft,
seaworthy, upright and on course,
with You as my Compass, my Captain,
and my only Destination.

You walked
across the waters to stem the fears and save the
lives of Your disciples.
Please come to me when storms threaten.
me, please, loyal companions
who will assist me on my voyage,
and who will never lead me astray,
foment mutiny, or desert me in my hour
of greatest need.
me the foresight to steer clear
of rocky outcrops of temptation
and the flotsam and jetsam of distraction.
Keep me on true course toward the goal
of my journey. Let me not find myself becalmed
by laziness, or the mutiny
of my weak flesh.
Your commandments my deep keel
holding me ever upright and true
through turbulent Satan storms.
Protect me from the Devil's beguiling
siren songs, his terrifying sea serpents,
and his fatal mirages of temptation.

me, God, on course for the shining port of Your
celestial city. Becalm the seas
and bring me home at last, please,
at the sunset of life's end, to the safe harbor
of paradise and the welcome
of Your Divine eternal embrace.
Ownership Credits
Prayer Index
2011 Donn B. Murphy
Contact - Comment - Question? - dbm@nowstar.net