Lord God of Creation,
You brought forth the waters upon the land.

You gave us water to quench our thirst
in the heat of day:
Water to wash our wounds
and clean our clothes.
Water to make our vines and crops thrive.
Water to sustain life.

We know that water, too, can flood our lands, wash away our homes, destroy our churches.

Please save us from floods and mudslides.
Water can drown us and our children.
Please keep us from from a watery death.

Water is a baptismal symbol of our rebirth,
purifying us in You, releasing us
from Original Sin.

Carry us, God Almighty, across the waters
of the Jordan where You were baptized
by Your cousin John.

Cleansed of our sins in the saving stream
of Baptism,
marked by that sacrament
for salvation, bring us please, dear Jesus, across the heavenly Jordan to the gates
of Your kingdom, arrayed in the shining robes of purity, to enter into glory with You
and Your saints for all eternity.



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